Freitag, 18. Januar 2013

Schooldays or what called so-mes jours a l´école

Schooldays in the end of the semester....

I go to school becaue I wanna make my high school exams in 2015. I already made my appranticeship to became an office administration clerk. I finished it in 2011.
In a few day the first semester ends and Yeah, no one will go to school any more....
Today it was pretty useless because we only did maths and history and some english stuff. We would be round about 18 people be in my class, but now we are only 9 or 8.
In my french lesson we watched an useless movie and there we were only 5 persons.

Hopefully the semester ends soon....

Je vais au lycée parce que je veux étudier aprés lycée. A l´année 2015 je suis prêt. A année 2011 j'ai fait mes études à secrétaire.
Dans quelque jours le semestre est fini. Dans ma class sont 18 personnes mais aujoud´hui nous sommes 9.
Personne ne veut plus à l'école.....

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